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august newsletter highlights

Did we mention we were in Broadsheet.......

KIOSK has been working hard to secure products that we think are the perfect gift for yourself or a friend. We started this business with the solid intentions of only ever selling products we have had previous relationships with or that we would buy ourselves, we call this a sincere offering.

Another offering is the below pavlova that we made this week, for the brief time it lasted.

What we need right now is comfort. And style. But mostly comfort. Nothing more shows this than a pair of Thunders Love unisex, one size, socks.

We have been sending these all over Australia, so we're guessing you also agree.

Its also quite appropriate timing to get yourselves one of these Ro Collection Danish candle holders, based on old kerosene lamps that will shield your candle from the draft. Equally perfect as a vase.

NEW in this month is a selection of BAGGU reusable shoppers, trying hard to rid the world of single use plastic and look hip as they do it, we think they are working towards a goal we also believe very strongly about.

A week a go we shared a bottle of Larmandier- Bernier and I have been thinking about it every. day. since. 'Having been biodynamically produced for more than 20 years, Larmandier- Bernier’s Champagnes are unique: mature, mineral, pure, as close as they can be to their terroir.'

We have read the latest Apartamento magazine from cover to cover and can't recommend it enough for escaping to far lands and meeting new people.

When you have finished, consider the Frederik Bille-Brahe cookbook written for Apartamento to actively bring some new recipes to your repertoire

Northern Light Beeswax Candles are the most mood lifting naked light around. The faint honey whiff and the warm glow is enough to give our mid week meal an enhanced ambience.

Follow us on Instagram for daily ramblings, new products and hopefully improving reels.

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